PP Chemical Dilution Tank

PP Chemical Dilution tanks are usually designed to be hidden from sight, but we shouldn’t ignore their importance. The tanks should be placed on flat surfaces to give sufficient strength for supporting the weight of a full tank. If it is heavy use in laboratories, the tanks can quickly become contaminated with chemicals which can harm the tank and the environment. A chemical dilution tank can be used simply as dilution basins, which mean highly concentrated wastes are mixed with wastes from other laboratory area.

The one piece moulded polypropylene dilution recovery trap with 4.5 litre capacity manufacture by KL Lab is ideal for fume cupboard and underbench installations serving one or multiple sink. Its physical and high chemical resistant features are suitable to dilute acid that poured into the sink. The process of dilution is important in the laboratory environment as it render the acid less harmful. The dilution recovery trap is supplied with dip tubes help prevent odour and insects from entering the laboratory through the sinks and traps solids. It also prevents it from entering the piping system to avoid blockage.

When cleaning out the unit, union nuts on the lid should be disconnected, withdraw the dip tubs and remove the upper part and the lower part of the dilution tank, flush out the content in the trap carefully. Proper maintenance of dilution tanks is important for neutralizing wastes in systems. Tanks must be cleaned out periodically. A regular maintenance program of one to three months should be schedule depending on use.

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